
Equality Ministers from across the European Union met in Brussels on 7 May, in the context of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO). What is the Council of the EU? In the second of three EPSCO Council meetings under the Belgian Presidency, equality issues such as violence against women and anti-discrimination see new-found prominence on the agenda. Marie-Colline Leroy, State Secretary for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities and Diversity, says: Gender equality and equal opportunities are among key priorities of Belgium Presidency of the Council of the…

 Equality Ministers from across the European Union met in Brussels on 7 May, in the context of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO). What is the Council of the EU? In the second of three EPSCO Council meetings under the Belgian Presidency, equality issues such as violence against women and anti-discrimination see new-found prominence on the agenda. Marie-Colline Leroy, State Secretary for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities and Diversity, says: Gender equality and equal opportunities are among key priorities of Belgium Presidency of the Council of the… Read More